'Hope' Wont Get You Through the Economic Winter Ahead... A Solid Plan Will!
Set Your KPI's, 10X Your Marketing,
Engage Your Team and Build Your
2024 Practice Growth Plan!

Our world and your community are in tough times. Politics, Wars, Division and a faltering Economy will make it a harsh year for a chiropractor who is not prepared.
I'm as optimistic as the next guy, but 'hope' wont get you through the 'winter' of 2024 that lies ahead but a solid Plan, well executed with Accountability will!
Doc, you know that you can't build your Dream home without a blueprint- and you certainly can't build your dream PRACTICE without a detailed set of Plans.
This is precisely why for the 5th year in a row, I am hosting a 3 hour Live workshop for you to hep you set your goals, align them with proven growth strategies and wrap them into a solid and executable 'Plan'.
With plan in hand, you will head into 2024 with more confidence, clarity and certainty knowing you are following a detailed plan designed to guarantee your success!
2024 Can Be YOUR year... When You Plan It to BE!
The truth is that creating a plan for your business and life takes effort which is why most DC's will never create one.
It's also why they will continue to struggle, blame everything (but themselves) and settle for a life earning less than a qualified electrician.
It's Your Choice:
- No Plan- hope is your strategy and buying every shiny solution from the Gurus is your tactic. At best, you'll end up with stress, chasing new patients forever, and "hoping" things work out.
- With (Proper) Planning- your vision will skyrocket, your goals will be aligned with your purpose, and your strategies will be set, actionable and trackable. You'll create a business that works FOR you and funds your personal life to whatever level you truly desire.
If you are ready to take charge of your future and plan to BE Successful, join us on our upcoming Live Zoom Training- 2024 Marketing & Planning Workshop.
Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 10 AM CST to 1 PM CST
***Recordings provided if you can't make it live (Registration Required)***
In this Training, Dr. David Jackson and a host of experts will guide you through the proven process of creating YOUR Success Blueprint for 2024. You'll discover how to properly assess your current reality, clarify your vision, set your goals to achieve your dreams and commit to a marketing plan that guarantees growth.
Most importantly, you will actually DO the work, live, and leave the training with Q1 plans in your hands!
You'll be introduced to a powerful set of Planning Tools- the proprietary 2024 Epic Marketing Calendar, 2024 Action Planner, and Strategic Worksheets to build YOUR Plan and make execution and results a reality.
This online training is zero fluff, packed full of value and you'll leave with everything you need to assure 2024 is your best year in practice AND in life.
Oh, and we nearly forgot... your $97 ticket includes you and your entire TEAM so they are on board, all in, and ready to help make 2024 truly Epic.
Join us and let's roll up our sleeves and get it done!
Just $97 Includes:
- Live 3 hour Planning Workshop
- My Epic 2024 Workbook
- 2024 Strategic Action Planner (142 pages)
- My Epic 2024 Wall Calendar
- The 12 Pillars of an Epic Life Worksheet
- My 2024 KPI Goals Worksheet
- ...And access for you and your entire TEAM

- Saturday, November 11th
- 10am - 1:00pm CST
- 8am - 11:00am PST
This is how you make 2024 YOUR year... join us!
Attend and Engage in the Entire Session and if You Don’t Feel Like it Created Breakthrough for You, I’ll Refund Your Tuition